


Installed capacity with a 480MWh duration
4 hectares
Approximate site footprint
Households powered for 4 hours (approximate)*

Avenis Energy is proposing to construct and operate a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) in Moree, NSW.

The Moree Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) will provide energy storage capacity for current and future renewable energy generators within the north-western NSW electricity network. The project will also provide greater grid stability to the broader national electricity market (NEM).  The BESS will have a capacity of 120 MW providing 4-hour (480 MWh) lithium-ion battery storage.

The project is to be constructed on privately owned land adjacent to the Moree Zone Substation. The site is located within the Moree Special Activation Precinct (SAP), close to Moree’s Central Business District (CBD).

The key components of the project include:

  • Battery containers containers using lithium-ion technology
  • Inverters
  • Transformers
  • Switchgear
  • Maintenance workshop
  • New access road off Bullus Drive
  • On-site water storage
  • Parking, site office and amenities
  • Earthworks and Stormwater management
  • Lay down areas and internal access tracks
  • Security fencing
Information & Updates
Development Process & Approval
Community & Economic Benefits
Community Feedback Survey
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Project Downloads

Get in touch

Community engagement is an important part of development application and allows us to understand any concerns the community may have. If you are interested in learning more about the Moree BESS, we encourage you to email us at:

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